Evaluate your day and set goals for the next one. What just happened? What were you thinking when ...? Did you notice that ..? What surprised us in that case? How does it make you feel? Are we doing this the right way? Are there alternatives? Is this applicable in our setting? [...]
Reorganise your negative automatic thoughts
wp_31624542024-02-05T09:07:49+00:00How to stop negative thoughts:
Letter to yourself
wp_31624542024-02-05T09:07:54+00:00Write a letter to your future self and set goals and targets.
wp_31624542024-02-05T09:07:58+00:00Write reflections on your work day in a positive way, writing compliments to yourself and trying to focus on the things that made you feel good today.
Autogenic relaxation
wp_31624542024-02-05T09:08:02+00:00For autogenic relaxation at peek stress follow this guide: https://psicoguias.com/relajacion-autogena/
Favourite song
wp_31624542024-02-05T09:08:12+00:00Play a relaxing or motivational song or playlist to improve your mood.
Prioritise to-do list
wp_31624542024-02-06T15:20:18+00:00Using the image on the left, you can understand how to prioritise your to-do list.
Daily goals
wp_31624542024-02-05T09:08:21+00:00Set daily goals to be achieved during the day or working day, e.g. finish X report, drink more water, do a relaxation...
Break reminder
wp_31624542024-02-05T09:08:26+00:00Reminder to take a visual break of about 5 to 10 minutes, to reduce visual fatigues.