Normally, when we clock in and we sit at our desk we don’t pay much attention to how our body leans on the chair and to the desk in front of us. The risk is to mature an incorrect posture that will damage our body, in the long term.
An incorrect posture is characterized as:
- protraction of the head forward
- kyphotic attitude and internal rotation of the humerus
- retroversion of the pelvis
- loss of natural lumbar lordosis

Not only that: according to the Alf Neckemsom law, in fact, depending on the position the body assumes (standing, lying or sitting) the interdiscal pressures vary, i.e. the pressures to which the intervertebral discs of our spinal column are subjected daily, in a particularly at the lumbar level. If we assume that a standing person applies 100% pressure on the spine in relation to their weight, this pressure changes depending on the position they will assume during the day: 25% pressure if lying prone in relation to their weight, 140% of pressure if sitting, 220% of pressure if in a kyphotic attitude, i.e. bent forward.
Speaking of daily movements, according to a study published by a team from New York Spine Surgery and Rehabilitation Medicine3, it finally claims that the excessive tightening of the physiological curve of the neck, with the protraction of the head forward during the use of smartphones, tablet or computer, involves a passive load on the cervical vertebrae of between 27 and 60 kg, depending on the position assumed.
Let’s pay attention to how we move and how we treat our bodies!