Physical Well-being

Physical Well-being

Physical tips

Walk more at work

  • Avoid sending emails if the recipient is near: walk over and talk to them instead
  • Have walking meetings
  • Use stairs instead of elevators
  • Take a long route to the bathroom or photocopier
  • Park your car further away form building
  • Set a timer to remind you to stand up and stretch every 30 minutes and use this time to do other activities

  • Stand up when using the telephone

Take care of yourself

  • Doing anything is better than doing nothing
  • Your body is strong, don’t hesitate to use it

  • Learn to use your body at best
  • Keep your back aligned under load
  • Park your car further away everyday, so you can increase your exercises
  • Have you been sitting for a long time? Get up and take a walk.
  • Check your posture! Are you sitting the right way?
  • Take care: place your back to the backrest and keep your feet firmly on the ground.


