Physical Well-being

Physical Well-being
In the case of healthy habits, all countries point to the relevance of including physical activity in the teleworkers’ routine; some companies, mentioned in Italy, offer gym programmes or incentives to participate in sports clubs …
To know your body, as a daily machine tool that allows us to experience everyday reality, is the starting point for taking best care of it. This knowledge includes paying attention and listening to your own body, the research and discovery of it, not only to be able to watch what we like or we dislike, but also to better relate with the most refined instrument we have available.
Normally, when we clock in and we sit at our desk we don’t pay much attention to how our body leans on the chair and to the desk in front of us. The risk is to mature an incorrect posture that will damage our body, in the long term.
Let’s do some simple exercises together to compensate for the bad postural habits that we have at our desk. Afterward, we’ll propose other exercises for complete muscle activation. These exercises can be done both at work and at home, it’s just a matter of minutes.
Ergonomics is the science that studies the interaction between man and other system’s elements, having the aim of increasing the individual’s well-being and the overall system’s performance. 4
Physical tips
Walk more at work
- Avoid sending emails if the recipient is near: walk over and talk to them instead
- Have walking meetings
- Use stairs instead of elevators
- Take a long route to the bathroom or photocopier
- Park your car further away form building
Set a timer to remind you to stand up and stretch every 30 minutes and use this time to do other activities
- Stand up when using the telephone
Take care of yourself
- Doing anything is better than doing nothing
Your body is strong, don’t hesitate to use it
- Learn to use your body at best
- Keep your back aligned under load
- Park your car further away everyday, so you can increase your exercises
- Have you been sitting for a long time? Get up and take a walk.
- Check your posture! Are you sitting the right way?
Take care: place your back to the backrest and keep your feet firmly on the ground.