Mental Well-being

Mental Well-being
Well-being at work is a situation of balance between all the aspects that condition an employee’s opinion of his or her working environment. The greater the sense of well-being, the better the employee’s willingness to perform his or her duties. There is therefore a direct link between this concept and work productivity.
Stress can be a dynamic process involving both environmental and individual variables, and occurs when a person assesses a situation as threatening. A situation is stressful when a subject perceives it as such, and of particular importance is the person’s appraisal of the situation.
Imagination and visualisation exercises serve to manage stress and consist of visualising or imagining in our mind events, stories or images that are pleasant or beneficial for us and thus reduce stress.
Problem solving in this type of therapy consists of learning skills that give us the tools to identify and dispute irrational beliefs. Learning to replace ineffective ways of thinking with effective and rational cognitions. The person will try to be very mindful of their thoughts and actions and expression of feelings.
Mental tips
Drink water, go to the bathroom, or get up to look out the window at the scenery.
Meditate for 3 to 5 minutes daily to improve concentration and reduce stress.
Remember to take a five-minute visual break every hour.
Start the day with a list of daily goals.
Remember to use the Eisenhower matrix to prioritize your tasks.
Try to socialize with your colleagues
Work responsibly
Have reasonable schedules
Outside of work, try to take care of friends and family, eat four meals, exercise and get eight hours of sleep.